Yamicia Connor wearing a facemask and safety glass

Discover the Journey

Pink thin doodle line
Yamicia Connor black and white maternity photoshootA headshot photo of Yamicia Connor
A black and white headshot image of Yamicia ConnorA black and white image of Yamicia sanding the wooden boxA black and white headshot image of Yamicia Connor

Yamicia Connor's Passion for Improving Lives

Delve into the life and work of Yamicia Connor, a physician, scientist, and engineer dedicated to improving the lives of women and engineering health equity. Explore her background, training, family life, and her commitment to providing transformative services through speaking engagements, Diosa Ara and Race to Better Health.


Sharing Knowledge to Inspire Change

Yamicia Connor passionately engages in speaking opportunities to share her knowledge and insights on health equity, women's health, and the power of interdisciplinary collaboration. Her eloquent and inspiring talks resonate with audiences, encouraging them to join the journey towards a more equitable and healthier future.

Speaking topics:

  • The Clinical Practice and Science of Women's Health (Obstetrics, Gynecology, Gynecologic Oncology, and Reproductive Endocrinology)
  • The Maternal Mortality Crisis
  • Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Health Equity
  • Engineering Health Equity

Schedule a Chat

An arrow going upward with pink line doodle
A black and white portrait of Yamicia Connor


Diosa Ara logo

Empowering Every Journey, Celebrating Every Mother

Diosa Ara is a comprehensive consulting firm and concierge medical practice dedicated to the science of women's health. Our mission is to use science and evidence-based medicine to empower patients, increase equitable care, and improve obstetrical and gynecological outcomes and experiences, with a particular focus on improving outcomes for Black women and other women of color who are marginalized in the US healthcare system.

race to better health logo

Driving Innovations for Health Equity

As a patient-centered, interdisciplinary organization, Race to Better Health is dedicated to engineering health equity. By working closely with health systems, patients, and communities, Race to Better Health generates data-driven, cross-sector solutions to address health inequity, becoming the first independent organization to support health equity innovations from conception to implementation.